

The purpose of the 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 student complaint process is to establish a process whereby a student may express dissatisfaction with the performance or action of a faculty or staff member that the student believes to be a violation of student rights under WAC 132 s - 90 - 010 和/或与学院政策不一致.

This process is not to be used when a student disagrees with the teaching practices 或者是一门课程所要求的工作. Issues excluded 学生投诉流程包括:

Additionally, this process is not meant to address student concerns and complaints about faculty instructional methods in the classroom or other formal academic settings. The College respects the academic freedom of faculty and will not interfere as it 与教学方法或风格有关的. 的确,学术自由是而且应该是 至关重要.




After bringing the concern to the employee’s attention, the student and the employee should make a good faith effort to resolve the concern on a one-to-one basis. Resolving 建议尽快进行非正式关注. 

If after attempting to informally resolve the concern, the student feels the attempt was unsuccessful, the student may proceed with a formal written complaint. Students have until 进入下一个季度的10个日历日 把非正式的关注变成正式的抱怨.


If the student is dissatisfied with the outcome of the informal process or did not engage in the informal process, the student must initiate the formal complaint process 不迟于 10个日历天 进入下一个季度,包括夏季季度. 没有书面投诉, 学院将假定问题已经解决. 学生必须完成 正式学生投诉表格 概述投诉并提供证明文件. 学生会 submit the complaint with supporting documentation to the ombudsperson, the Executive 教学助理. 正式的学生投诉表格和文件可以是 电邮提交: instructionFREECOLUMBIA_BASIN or hand delivered to the Office of Instruction, located in the A Building. 执行 教学助理 is also available, as an ombudsperson, to answer questions 关于流程.

The formal complaint will be assigned to the appropriate supervising administrator. The supervising administrator will provide a copy of the form to, consult with, and involve the employee as appropriate for any information or supporting documentation 处理学生的投诉. 如果与学生举行会议,主管 administrator will make best efforts within the timeframe to also meet with employee. 

The student and the employee will receive a written decision from the appropriate 监督管理员 15个日历日 收到书面投诉后.

3 .呼吁

The response of the supervising administrator, including any action taken, may be appealed by either the student or the employee to the appropriate Vice President within 10个日历天 收到决定的时间. 的书面申诉 正式学生投诉表格 and supporting documentation will be submitted to the ombudsperson at instructionFREECOLUMBIA_BASIN and then forwarded to the appropriate Vice President or designee if absent or unavailable. 

副总统的决定将不迟于 15个日历日 从收到书面上诉开始. 

Appeals of the Vice President’s decision may be made to the President within 10 calendar 副总统做出决定的几天后 只有在提供额外证据的情况下. 总统的最终决定不迟于 10个日历天 从收到上诉开始.

Student submission of falsified information or misrepresentation of fact violates 加拿大广播公司学生行为准则(WAC 132 s - 100 - 230),并可能成为纪律处分的理由.

Note: Though student complaints are processed via the steps noted above, due process afforded in any applicable collective bargaining agreement, civil service provision or other College policy will apply including the disciplinary process should that be determined appropriate after the complaint is closed and the student is no longer involved.




The Higher Education Act (HEA) prohibits an institution of higher education from engaging in a “substantial misrepresentation of the nature of its educational program, its 金融收费,或者毕业生的就业能力.” 20 U.S.C. §1094(c)(3)(A). Further, each State must have “a process to review and appropriately act on complaints concerning the institution including enforcing applicable State laws.” 34 C.F.R. § 600.9. The Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) maintains a process to investigate complaints of this nature brought by community and technical 华盛顿州的大学生. 欲了解更多信息,请联系SBCTC 学生服务办公室360-704-4315.

The Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) has authority to investigate student 对特定学校的投诉. WSAC可能无法调查每一个学生 complaint. Learn more 关于WSAC的投诉流程.


网赌正规真人实体在线平台 complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), as amended, Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), as amended. 教师、职员、 students, applicants, and visitors with disabilities are provided the means to seek recourse in the event a violation is perceived to have occurred. 鼓励学生 通过第一次接触来解决问题 残疾支援服务 at 509-542-4412 (VOICE) or 800-833-6384 (TDD) for deaf and hard of hearing, to discuss 他们的问题. 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 also has a formal procedure for students to file a claim under the 不歧视 & 骚扰政策及程序 However, an external complaint of discrimination may be filed with the U.S. Department of Education (Office of Civil Rights) at 800-421-3481 (VOICE) or 877-521-2172 (TDD), or the Washington State Human Rights Commission at 800-233-3247 (VOICE) or 800-300-7525 (TDD).


All members of the campus community are entitled to learn, study and work in an atmosphere 不受非法歧视. 学院的平等机会政策禁止 discrimination against students, employees, applicants, or visitors on the basis of their disability as well as race, creed color, sex, religion, national origin, age, veteran or marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, 或其他保护组状态. Under the 不歧视 & 骚扰政策及程序 and 第九条申诉政策 intent to discriminate is irrelevant, the focus is instead on whether students, employees, or applicants have been treated differently or subjected to an intimidating, hostile, 或者由于受保护的阶级地位而造成的令人反感的环境. 对于这些类型的 complaints, you may file a complaint and please contact the College’s Title IX/EEO 协调员电话:509-542-5548.


A building